Join SevaChildren and become part of our international family. Through your sponsorship or your support, you are even better able to improve the help we provide to children in India.
Let SevaChildren become your organization!
Recruit sponsors and win a trip to our projects in India. If you recruit 25 sponsors or more during a calendar year, you will automatically receive such a trip as thanks for the effort. It will give you a unique opportunity to see for yourself how your sponsor contribution is spent through our project work. Your recruitment can change lives! A child can get the chance to get out of poverty and as a sponsor you can follow a child's development through regular sponsor reports and pictures of the child.
Your recruitment will be rewarded:
- 2 recruitments - A little surprise from India.
- 5 recruitments - A surprise from an Indian market
- 8 recruitments- Also a surprise from an Indian market
- 10 recruitments - A surprise gift from SevaChildren
- 20 recruitments - A surprise gift from SevaChildren
- 25 recruiments -A paid trip to one of our Indian projects (specific rules / definitions apply to such a trip), as a recognition of your work for Indian children.
Note: If you do not qualify for a trip to India (fewer than 25 sponsors but more than 1 sponsor within a calendar year) you will still be able to qualify for such a trip. You will participate in a lottery where your name will be included in a draw for a trip to one of our projects in India
If you want to enlist sponsors you can contact us at: info@sevachildren.no. info@sevachildren.noWe will then be able to help you with the necessary material for your needs.
There are also many other ways you can support our work. On this website you will find many options. You can either provide by credit card or by paying directly to our bank account: 1503 22 48745 1503 22 48745
Bank: DnB
IBAN: NO76 1503 22 48745
Through our site Travel with meaning You will find information on project trips to see all our projects and meet your sponsor child.
Dette er den mest vanlige gaven av alle planlagte gaver. Denne kan opprettes enten ved å inkludere SevaChildren i sin “siste vilje” eller gjennom en tilføyelse i testamentet til SevaChildren. En prosentandel av eiendommen, et bestemt beløp eller en spesiell gjenstand kan bli gitt. Dersom du ønsker å gjøre deg bedre kjent med hvordan du skal lage et testamente, kan du lese mer her: Eksempel-testament. Dersom du ønsker å diskutere dette nærmere med oss, vennligst kontakt oss på følgende e-post adresse: info@sevachildren.no.
The bereaved may often wish to honor the deceased with a gift of good purpose. Such commemorative items can be added to our bank account no .: 1503 22 48745. If you need more information about commemorative gifts, or if you want to discuss this more closely with us, such as which project such gifts should go to, please contact us at: info@sevachildren.no. info@sevachildren.no.
Would you like to help us by volunteering? Do you have experience collecting money, writing applications, reading proofreading, giving lectures or maybe you are good at photographing or having PC expertise or experience with creating websites? Then we would appreciate hearing from you. We need people with different experiences who can give some of their time and energy to make a change in the lives of the children we work for. Join us in SevaChildren and others who already support us. Together, we can help change the lives of all the thousands of children involved in our various programs. Please contact us at: info@sevachildren.no. info@sevachildren.no.