SevaChildren Norway is an international initiative that provides support for programs in India, in terms of professionalism and financial resources. It is our contacts and networks in India who know where the "shoe pushes" and who performs work aimed at village development, education, health care and running of orphanages. Because we work as a partner with an Indian organization, help comes to those who need it most.
SevaChildren Norway collaborates with the Indian sister organization "SevaChildren India". SevaChildren Norway supports the projects through sponsorship and other contributions.
You Can Become a Sponsor. Send us an E-mail: info@sevachildren.no or phone us on: + 47 47 38 70 27 You will receive a report on a child that you support together with other information (electronically) - make sure to tick the way you want to receive information when signing up. You will also receive payment information. We would like to send you most information by e-mail/by logging on to your personal page via our websites, as this is environmentally friendly and cost-effective.
If you don't want to become a sponsor, you also have the option to give a general donation in support of our projects
You can sponsor one or more children. It costs US $ 35 a month/Euro 25 a month, per child. All sponsors receives a report with photo and information about the child when signing up for sponsorship. After this you will receive a follow-up report every six months. Or you can donate money to our projects in general!
Most children starts receiving support at the age of 3 to 9 years. The support is based on the familys need. It means that it is adaptable to the child's situation and needs. We recommend sponsors to support the children until they have completed their education
The children in our areas of work live either in our project areas in Bangalore or in the state of Tamil Nadu. We help children living in towns and poor villages, or children living in orphanages. Alltogether, approximately 900 children and families receive help in their local environment Our sponsorship program
It is possible to visit your sponsored child? We can help arrange trips to our projects. Here you will have the opportunity to meet the child / children you are sponsoring. It is recommended to travel between January and March month, or in the month of November. We will also arrange trips. Then you will get a tailormade program. The required tickets and hotel accommodation will be ordered for you by us according to prior agreement. Visits to projects and children should always be done together with our local staff. This way you will make the most out of your stay and visit. This is a great way to get to know the SevaChildren Norway’s work and experience a meeting with your sponsored child (children), in addition to an exciting culture. For further information please contact: info@sevachildren.no
Vi er behjelpelig med å bestille billetter og overnattingsteder slik at du får mest mulig ut av ditt besøk.
It costs a little less than 1 US dollar a day to sponsor a child through SevaChildren Norway. See also "Payment and related information"
The money is distributed to the projects. Main focus areas are education, health and HIV/AIDS, nutrition and development measures in the family and local communities. The distribution is need based. This means that your contribution can be directed to areas where the need is the most. For further deatails see: Sponsorship break-up.
We also seek support from financial institutions, governments, other voluntary organizations, companies and various schools.
SevaChildren Norway follows the guidelines of the Norwegian Control Committee for Fundraising in Norway. We aim to have a small and efficient administration in Norway. Therefore, we will strive to work within a maximum of 20 percent of the collected amount to be reserved for administration purposes in Norway. The Norwegian Control Committee for Fundraising in Norway allows for anything from 0% to 35% of the collected amount to be retained in Norway for administrative purposes. Of transferred funds to India, about 10 percent will be reserved for an Indian administration. The rest is transferred to the child and the projects. The annual report for 2016 shows that we used only 14% of the funds collected for administration in Norway
Most of the support comes from sponsors and other donors associated with the projects. We also seek support from financial institutions, governments, other voluntary organizations, companies, different schools, etc. Any contribution - big or small - is received with thanks!
The distribution is based on needs where the need is greatest.