SevaChildren India - Fighting child poverty in India
SevaChildren India is a non-sectarian, non-religious, non-communal Organization started in 2011 to fight Child Poverty in India. It consists of two independent affiliates, viz. SevaChildren Norway and SevaChildren India. SevaChildren India with its registered office at Bangalore, functions as an implementing arm of SevaChildren Norway. It does this by implementing the various programs with an integrated development approach and with focus on the child.
India has the second largest population in the world. An estimated 80 million of the 143 million orphans in the world live in India, and it is not possible to reach to all the children in the country with some form of assistance. We have therefore decided to restrict our programs to the two Southern States of Tamilnadu and Karnataka.
Currently, through Sponsorship, we are helping about 900 poor children. These are from 25 interior Rural Villages & a few from 5 urban Slums, and from the two Orphanages, viz. Ashanilaya Orphanage (for girls) in Bangalore and Ashagram Orphanage (for boys) in Tamilnadu. These programs are implemented with financial and technical suppport from SevaChildren/SevaChildren Norway.
Support us
Our work aimed at children's education, health care,nutrition,family development,village development, and running of orphanages need your support. Because we work through grass root level organizations, your help reaches directly to those with the greatest need. Whatever your financial contribution to this work will be, whether small or big, is always most welcome. You could also become a Sponsor for a poor Child living in an interior village or in an urban Slum.
As a Sponsor, you would help to give a poor child a meaningful future. And not only that! When you support a child through SevaChildren organizations, the child's family as well as the local community too would benefit from it. As a Sponsor you will be able to follow your child through her / his childhood education and development.
Other ways to help
Besides Sponsorship, there are many other ways you could help our Organization. For instance you could Volunteer for:
• Fund raising
• Writing & sending appeals
• Events Management
• PR work
• Documentation work
• Legal work
etc. etc.
To discuss about the various available possibilities, please click on: contact us. Let us know your interest by emailing us: info@sevachildren.noYou can also phone us on: +47 47 38 70 27.
Our Mission
SevaChildren India envisions India to become a Role Model for equitable distribution of its vast resources. Our aim is to supplement the efforts of the Government and of the numerous Non-Government Organizations in raising the masses above the poverty level. We do this by principally focusing on improvement of living conditions of Children.
• Through Sponsorship Programs
• And adhering in our work to the UN Child Rights Convention
Our role is to start and run - on behalf of SevaChildren - all programmes which the SevaChildren familywants to start in India: sponsorship programmes, infrastructure, running of Orphanages etc. etc.
MASARD's is a voluntary grassroot organization based in Bangalore. The organization is run by a group of educated socio-economists and other well-qualified individuals with an interest in development work. Since 1983, we have contributed to a positive development for the most vulnerable groups in society in our areas of work. We focus especially on women and children in the slums in the towns and villages of the states of Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Goa. MASARD is legally registered with the Government of India, and local donors receive tax deductions for their contributions to the organization. We also have permanent permission to receive money from abroad (FCRA).
We have the following address: Ashanilaya Campus, Behind NGV Club, 20 "G" Cross, Egipura, Bangalore-560047, Karnataka, India Ashanilaya Campus, Behind NGV Club, 20 “G” Cross, Egipura, Bangalore-560047, Karnataka, India.
Our headquarter is in the city of Bangalore, the capital of the state of Karnataka, one of the southern most states in India. South India is known for a warm climate, but Bangalore has lush green river valleys and a vast coastline with many beautiful beaches. Although Karnataka is about 3000 feet above sea level, Bangalore has a pleasant climate all year long.
MASARD's overall goal is a world free of all kind of differences and where individuals are able to take care of themselves. Here people can live without poverty, illness or hunger. This is done in a harmonious balance between man and nature.
In order to realize its purpose, MASARD will prioritize the process of strengthening the oppressed and vulnerable parts of society, promoting economic independence and social justice through the strategic participation of such groups in planning. This is done by working in partnership with all societal communities: the state, other non-governmental organizations or other groups in society. Through this collaboration, the harmonious relationship between man and nature will be preserved, protected and promoted!
Se mer på: http://www.masard.org