SevaChildren Norway
A Norwegian organisation with head office in Oslo. Our values are based on equal rights for everybody, regardless of sex, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, functional ability or social status.
The organisation was established in 2011 with the aim of fighting poverty among children in India. We consist of two separate sections:
- SevaChildren with head office in Oslo is the umbrella organisation
- SevaChildren India with head office in Bangalore acts as an extended arm and is implementing all our developement projects.
The focus for SevaChildren is India where the majority of the orphans of the world is living
• 80 million of the 143 million orphans in the world are living in India. That is equal to 16 times the population of Norway.
• 43 % of children in India below the age of 5 years are moderate or severely underweight.
• 14 % of Indian children between the age of 5 and 14 are used as child labour.
• Five million children have been sold to prostitution.
Source: The World Bank, IBRD – IDA
Board of Directors of SevaChildren Norway
The board of Directors of SevaChildren Norway is the highest authority of the organization and is responsible for ensuring that the organization is operating in accordance with applicable statutes and instructions. The board of Directors consists of at least 2 elected Board Members (maximum 6 elected Board Members) and 2 elected deputies.
The Board of SevaChildren Norway is responsible in employing the CEO of the organization. The CEO is present at all board meetings and annual meetings of the organization

Lars-Johan Johnsen
Mobile telephone: + 47 47 38 70 27
E-mail: ljohnsen@sevachildren.no

Ola Grønn-Hagen
Mobile telephone: + 47 90 66 10 43
E-mail: ola@gronn-hagen.no

Morten S. Henriksen
Mobile telephone: + 47 97 14 76 67

Inger Sylvia Johannesson
Mobile telephone: + 47 98 22 95 37
E-mail: momom2710@gmail.com

Lars-Eirik Johnsen
Mobile telephone: + 47 48 08 11 85
E-mail: lars-eirik.johnsen@jetpak.no

Astrid Strøm
Mobile telephone: + 47 95 74 42 56
E-mail: astridstrm@gmail.com