The goal is to develop sustainable communities based on social equality and mutual respect. The central part of the program is to strengthen the individual's and groups' abilities and skills to influence the development of their own communities. This often involves establishing of groups or social networks which work together towards a common goal. Through this work, their democratic power is built, which in turn helps them to safeguard their interests more effectively. It is important that SevaChildren facilitates planning processes where all citizens participates in the design of local development strategies
SevaChildren specifically wishes to include:
- Women
- Minority groups
- Other marginalized groups
If you choose to become a sponsor through SevaChildren Norway you will not only support the child but its entire family, its local community and the next generation as well. As a sponsor you will be allowded to follow your sponsored child through its education
What do we do:
- Infrastructure improvements (schools, public buildings, etc.)
- Public awareness
- Planting trees
- Clean water
- Improvement of public toilets
- Arrangement of self-help groups, youth groups, etc.
We use approx. 15% of our sponsorship budget to facilitate social conditions where children can have healthy growth and development in general
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