Health and poverty are often interlinked. Although good health is a human right, it is far from a reality in India. It's still a long time before all people in India can live a dignified life, with good health. For example, India had the world's third largest HIV epidemic in 2015. Poverty must be combated, health-promoting measures must be initiated and sustainable development must be established
We reserve approx. 5% of our sponsorship budget to ensure that necessary healthcare is provided to children and adults in our working areas
Lack of vitamin A can cause blindness, weakening of the immune system and inhibition of growth. Hence, we have focused on Vitamin A as an integral part of the sponsorship program
Vitamin A capsules are distributed throughout India to children under the age of 5 years. In addition, various vitamins are distributed to lactating mothers
Important life-saving nutrients:
“Mangel på Vitamin A kan forårsake dødelighet blant barn under fem år”
– The World Health Organization (WHO)

SevaChildren's micro nutrition programs focus on eradicating diseases related to vitamin A deficiency among children in marginalized families living in villages and urban slums in India. SevaChildren provides vitamin A in appropriate doses to protect children from diseases related to vitamin A deficiency. These important micronutrients are free for the recipients
Through our own projects and the American organization SevaChild International's Indian network of affiliates, we come into contact with children in areas that the Indian Government program does not reach. The Indian government has accepted both our role and the role of the American organization SevaChild as a supplement to their national vitamin A distribution program, and both we and the American organization have had their support since we started our program in 2010
What do we do:
- Regular health check-ups for children and families in our working areas
- Support for acute illnesses
- Follow-up of serious diseases for further treatment
- Health education programs
- Consulting Services
- More than 1.5 million Indian children are today a recipient of vitamin A micronutrients through our and existing/previous partners supply and distribution