Support children for higher education

US$ 27

  • NOK: kr 300

We want to be able to follow up children in our program areas who have the ability and willingness, and who themselves want to, to take an education beyond the upper secondary school itself.



We want to be able to follow up children in our program areas who have the ability and willingness, and who themselves want to, to take an education beyond the upper secondary school itself.

Education in India – as in the rest of the world – is the key to a better life. Many of the young people who are currently associated with our programs are now approaching the age where they finish upper secondary school. We want to be able to help them further through subsidies for expenses when they start at other schools, be it vocational education, university or other forms of study. You can help to give these young people the opportunity to fulfill their dreams.

Give this gift to someone you love - maybe we will all have a better everyday life if we care a little more about each other - even people we don't know!

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Support children for higher education