FN’s bærekraftsmål nr. 2 – Utrydde sult
Nutrition - a necessity for good education
Short facts about nutrition in India:
In India, 20% of children under the age of 5 suffer from malnutrition. 43% of children in India under the age of 5 are underweight and 48% (i.e. 61 million children) are physically deformed due to poor or inadequate diet
Malnutrition is significantly higher in rural areas than in urban areas. Frequent births usually causes a higher degree of malnutrition for children being born (due to poor nutrition for the mother). The percentage of children affected by severe underweight is almost five times higher among children with non-educated mothers than among mothers who have 12 or more years of schooling
Antall barn som lider av underernæring er helt uakseptabelt. Har du noen gang prøvd å studere på tom mage? Om du skulle ha gjort det vil du kanskje huske at mesteparten av tiden gikk med til å finne ut “hvordan skal jeg få tak i mat?”. Ernæring er en viktig del av SevaChildren sitt fjernadopsjonsprogram. God og riktig ernæring hjelper elevene til å fokusere på studiene mens de er på skolen. Ernæring er grunnpilaren for menneskelig utvikling!
What do we do:
- Daily delivery of additional food for children and families in need
- With the help of nutritionists we have developed separate food packages containing all necessary nutrients in order for children to have a healthy development
- Information campaigns focusing on healthy food habits for both adults and children
- Nutrition for malnourished children and adults (pregnant and elderly people)
- In special cases, such as deaths and accidents in the family, drought or other accidents, we provide food packages and matresses to the affected families
With 10% of our sponsorship budget, we are able to provide this support to children and families in our working areas
I tillegg til våre matpakker får også alle skolebarn i India et måltid mat på skolen som er betalt av myndighetene